Bunny Blossom Shower

Bunny Blossom Shower
Images are provided to give you an idea of the look, feel, and style of the flowers at the given price. Please note that the flower market is constantly changing, so while we strive to maintain consistency with our supplies and selection, some flowers shown in the images may not be available at the time of your order. If any flowers are unavailable, you will receive a call or text from us to discuss alternatives.
Additionally, items such as the bunny and house ribbon shown in the images are not included in the price and are not part of the amount charged.
Flowers: David Austin Roses & Preserved Hydrangea
Colors: Green and Light Pink
Ribbons: La Bows Gifts (Client's Customized Logo)
Please note that orders must be placed at least 1 week prior to the event. We are unable to accommodate orders submitted less than 7 days in advance.